Wednesday 25 September 2019



  • Research is the systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions.
There's two main types of research: PRIMARY AND SECONDARY 

- Primary research provides direct research that you've done yourself like if you've had a interview with someone.

- Secondary research involves the research that has already existed like looking through magazines, internet. 

There's also different kind of research like:

Quantitative and Qualitative collecting of objective numerical data, features are classified and counted, and statistical models are constructed to analyze and explain the information that has been gathered.

Observational that research is without interference or input from the researcher.

Basic, Applied and Developmental the purpose of this research basically tries to discover what is true, it can be called basic research.

Why is so research important and when are we researching? 

When we are working or something we want to be 100% sure that we know what we are talking about and that we are proving our point. We also wouldn't want to lie or tell not real things in our work so I'm sure that's why research is so important. We as always want to get our best work and not lies. I think it's good to do a big research and be sure about our work. 

WE use research in a lot of things. We are literally researching all the time by scrolling through facebook, Instagram, twitter or any different social media sites. Through research we can get a lot of new knowledge in any topics and it can help you to understand things better. If you are interested in any topics for example photography, music or anything else you can also find a lot of stuff to support your dreams and maybe find a way to actually do something with your hobby's.
Through research you can also get new skills in media. You can also learn how to express your bussines better and learn how to get more money from it.
You can also prove your point in researching for truth and lies in internet, sadly not everything you read on the internet is true. 
On internet or magazines you can find a lot of tips that will literally help you with everyday life, it doesn't matter if its about your CV at work, or if your sink broke, I'm sure by doing a good research you'd know everything you wanted to know.  

What have I used research for? 

As I said before we use research all the time and we do it all the time while we are not even thinking about it. 
I use research daily for example, when I need to find like recepies for stuff or i try to find something online.

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