Monday 16 September 2019

What is PDBW?

PDBW - Personal Development Behaviour & Walfare

  •  treating others how you want to be treated
It's very important to look how you treat people and how they treat you. If someone treats you in a way that you don't like just don't do that to other people because why would you treat someone in a bad way that you dont like to be treated in? 
  •  treating others with respect
Even if you don't potentially like someone or just don't get along with someone don't show less affection to the than other or just don't make them feel worst. 
Maybe someone has a different opinion about life and stuff but that doesn't mean you don't have to respect them. 
  • being the best version of ourself
Even through ups and downs in our life we still have to be the best version of ourselfs to get our goals in life. We've got a perfect opportunity here which is college where we can literally expand our hobbies and be better at what we like to do.
  •  having a positive mindset
It's as always good to be positive about life. EVeryone has worse and better days and if we see it lets help that person. But with our positive mindset we might actually help someone even if we don't actually know we are helping them. 
  •  achieve personal goals
Everyone has their goals in life and we just have to do everything to achieve them. 
  •  taking care of others as much as taking care of ourself
Obviously it's important to take care of yourself, but if we see that someone has a bad day or we just know that we can help someone either its money or food or just a little talk. 

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